About Dr Xuan Ye
Adult, Adolescent and Paediatric Upper Limb Surgeon
Hand, Wrist, Elbow and Shoulder Surgery
Dr Xuan Ye is an Australian orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in conditions of the upper extremity – hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder – in adults, adolescents and children.
“My philosophy to patient care is centred on the belief that there is no “one size fits all” solution to upper limb conditions. Whilst surgery forms a key part of my practice, my objective is to maximise patients’ function in the least invasive manner possible, based on evidence-based research and an understanding every individual’s unique set of needs (both in their current stage of life and potentially the future, which is a particularly important consideration for adolescents and children). Where surgery is required, I operate using modern techniques and well-proven implants, and, with my microsurgical training, am meticulous in the handling of soft tissue through all my procedures.”
Expertise and interests
Dr Xuan Ye has special interest and training in arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery of the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder from world-renowned institutions in Australia and overseas.
Adult and paediatric upper limb reconstruction, including:
Arthroscopic shoulder and elbow surgery;
Shoulder replacement surgery;
Arthroscopic wrist reconstruction; and
Pyrocarbon joint replacement surgery;
Congenital, post-traumatic and sporting injuries in adolescents and children;
High energy upper limb trauma; and
Microsurgery and soft tissue surgery.
Dr Ye is fluent in English and Chinese (Mandarin), and consults across the Eastern Suburbs and Inner West regions of Sydney, providing comprehensive care for all conditions affecting the upper limb (Consulting locations).
Education and training
Dr Xuan Ye graduated with First Class Honours from the University of New South Wales, with the John Coleman Prize for Surgery, and the Max Thorpe Prize for Best Overall Performance (Medicine).
Dr Ye completed his orthopaedic training through the AOA Exceptional Performance Pathway in recognition to his outstanding academic and clinical performance on the training program. During this time, he was selected to undertake paediatrics training at the prestigious Shriners Children’s Hospital in Portland (Oregon, USA) during which time he developed his subspecialty interest in adolescent and paediatric upper extremity surgery.
Dr Xuan Ye became a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Orthopaedic Association in 2020. Following this, Dr Ye undertook further training and completed four subspecialist fellowships in hand wrist and microsurgery, shoulder and elbow surgery, adult upper limb & trauma, and paediatric upper limb surgery in a number of leading institutions. Dr Ye has also completed the PFET (post fellowship education and training) program in Hand Surgery and is a full member of the Australian Hand Surgery Society.
Teaching and research
Dr Xuan Ye is passionate about teaching medical and allied health staff of all levels. He is a dual recipient of the ‘Bryan Yeo teacher of the year’ award at Prince of Wales for his dedication towards medical student education. Dr Ye is also involved in monthly GP and allied health education nights as part of My Sports & Joints. If you would like to attend, please email us at admin@mysportsjoints.com.au
Dr Ye publishes extensively in Australian and international peer-reviewed journals, and has been awarded numerous awards for best clinical research from The Royal Australian College of Surgeons, The Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA), and The NSW Hand Surgery Society. Dr Xuan Ye is currently running several clinical studies, including with the Surgical Orthopaedic Research Laboratory (SORL).
Dr Ye is also committed to delivering orthopaedic care to underprivileged patients, having undertaken orthopaedic outreach missions to Fiji, Medford and Alaska since 2010 (https://www.orthoreach.org.au/).
Private hospital appointments
Dr Xuan Ye operates out of the following private hospitals:
Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Randwick
St Luke’s Private Hospital, Potts Point
Strathfield Private Hospital, Strathfield
Sydney Private Hospital, Ashfield
Public hospital appointments
Dr Xuan Ye has appointments at the following tertiary referral hospitals:
Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick
Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick
Sydney Hospital Hand Unit, Sydney CBD
Consulting locations
Dr Xuan Ye consults with the following orthopaedic practices:
Sydney Orthopaedic Specialists (SOS), Suite 31, Level 7, Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Randwick NSW 2031
My Sports & Joints, Suite 209, Level 2, Strathfield Plaza, 11 The Boulevarde, Strathfield NSW 2135